It was 21 degrees when I left the house to head to the track! A beautiful, sunny, blue-sky Saturday morning, except when I looked at the outdoor thermometer, it read "21." So I thought to myself, "Am I nuts to be going riding knowing that it would only hit about 34 degrees for a high!!!?"
I got to MX207, stepped out of the truck, and actually felt pretty good despite the cold temperature. After all, it was pretty sunny out which helped out a lot. And on the plus side, because it was so cold, the track was pretty quiet.
Although the bike ran kind of funny due to the cold (lets just say the idle speed was way off and flames were practically shooting out from the pipe), I rode pretty good. My fingers kept going numb while using the levers, but other than that, it was business as usual. One thing that I set out to accomplish was doubling through a rhythm section that I was losing speed in. Goal accomplished- I stepped it up an easily cleared the small back-to-back doubles which made me much quicker in that section. Its amazing how much time you can save when you handle obstacles in a way that they were meant to be handled...
So in sum, although it was pretty cold all day, I got in some good practice laps and made some decent progress. When I left the track, I felt very proud of how much I have accomplished so far. I want to keep this momentum and confidence going.
Til next time,
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