I just want to say that Twin Air filter cleaner rocks!!!! This stuff is absolutely amazing! I'll be honest.... I used to use pure gasoline on my filters while cleaning them. They came out great, but the mess left behind was something else. Honestly, when I used gas on my air elements, I was left with this black, nasty liquid shit that looked like a baby alien was about to hatch out of it. And to make it worse, I would throw the stuff out in the woods leaving me wondering what kind of damage that just did to the ground. But I've changed now...
I picked up a quart of Twin Air filter cleaner. I thought I was buying a liquid solvent but it turns out that the stuff is actually white granules. You mix a few tablespoons of this with very hot water, and let the filter soak in the solution for a while. The results are amazing- a perfectly clean looking filter. The dirt gets dissolved quickly- even the heavy nasty, grimy dirt clears from the element. And the best part- its environmentally friendly when you dump the dirty water. Well, somewhat environmentally friendly- not nearly as bad as gasoline.
So next time you buy air filter cleaner, go with the good stuff- buy Twin Air Filter Cleaner!

Does Twin Air pay you for this fantastic free advertising? If not, they should! I can tell you are in sales; I don't even own a motorcycle and I am sold! I'll be out tomorrow morning first thing to purchase my very own Twin Air filter cleaner!
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