Monday, April 26, 2010

32 Minute Moto!!!!

I honestly can tell you that I am incredibly proud of my riding this past weekend. I did something that I didn't think I could do. Its not all that often that I toot my own horn, but seriously.... I am sooooo proud of what I accomplished this weekend.

I rode two tracks this weekend- Jolly Rogers MX park in Lempster, NH on Saturday and a private track on Sunday. It was the perfect weekend. Two days of perfect riding and two nights of campfires in the backyard. Man- what a weekend!!!! Saturday- I was in my groove. I went to Jolly Rogers and just tore it up!!!! I rode real fast and very consistent. That track rocks! Its fast, fun, and feels like a roller coaster! When you have to ride over obstacles called "Suicide Hill" you know you have to have your nuts screwed on tight! It was 9 years ago since I last rode there. The sand section is the best part- 4th gear pinned all the way!!!! It was a good day- good practice, and good flat-track cornering skills were worked on. Well needed.

Then came Sunday. I thought Sunday would be more relaxing- a private track with just my friend Dan. No hard core racing or pressure. I was sadly mistaken! After watering and grooming the track, we set out on a mission. Both of us are in TOP physical shape and what we did on Sunday was put our bodies to the test!

We ended up doing a 32 minute moto! No bullshit- its the truth- 32 minutes on the track! For those of you not into MX, 32 minutes on a track without break is something to be proud of. Most experts only race 20-25 minutes.

The two of us went out there just full speed ahead and by the time we stopped, I had more stuff coming out of my nose and mouth than I care to share! We rode hard, yet it was a blast! I had sooo much fun with Dan behind me closing the gap. I stayed relaxed and calm and had fun! This was one of the best motos I think I ever had. And it was really cool to have another friend- Rob- time us. 2 minutes and 50 seconds a lap (its a BIG track).

Anyways, I went home feeling real proud. Both for me and Dan. We worked our asses off in that moto and never gave up. Its days like this that truly make me LOVE this sport so very much.

Talk to you soon,


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Twin Air- Filter Cleaner

I just want to say that Twin Air filter cleaner rocks!!!! This stuff is absolutely amazing! I'll be honest.... I used to use pure gasoline on my filters while cleaning them. They came out great, but the mess left behind was something else. Honestly, when I used gas on my air elements, I was left with this black, nasty liquid shit that looked like a baby alien was about to hatch out of it. And to make it worse, I would throw the stuff out in the woods leaving me wondering what kind of damage that just did to the ground. But I've changed now...

I picked up a quart of Twin Air filter cleaner. I thought I was buying a liquid solvent but it turns out that the stuff is actually white granules. You mix a few tablespoons of this with very hot water, and let the filter soak in the solution for a while. The results are amazing- a perfectly clean looking filter. The dirt gets dissolved quickly- even the heavy nasty, grimy dirt clears from the element. And the best part- its environmentally friendly when you dump the dirty water. Well, somewhat environmentally friendly- not nearly as bad as gasoline.

So next time you buy air filter cleaner, go with the good stuff- buy Twin Air Filter Cleaner!


Monday, April 12, 2010

30TH Birthday- What A Weekend!

There are good weekends and then there are just awesome weekends! This past Saturday and Sunday were action-packed and non-stop days! The weekend was wrapped around riding and celebrating my 30th birthday! We're talking partying, limo rides, getting silly-stringed in the middle of the night, fireworks, champagne, and of course- riding!

So to kick things off, much of Saturday morning was spent at John's house grooming his track. The place came out awesome! John brought in a dozer and bobcat to do the job and the track came out sick. The corners look like something you would see at Southwick. It was fun helping groom the track while the equipment did the heavy work. And to change it up a bit, John put in a pretty cool double before a right-hander corner which made that section much more fun than the old beaten-down whoops. Plus all the jumps got some nice "face-lifts." Any time spent out on a track, whether riding it or working on it, is a good time!

And after that, it was all a big blur!... I woke up on Sunday morning pretty hung over. And yet I committed to my friends to ride at MX101. So after yacking a few times, I got in the truck and somehow managed to get to the track. I then rode there just for a little bit, and then went to John's track afterwards to ride there as well.

John's track rocked! I had enough steam for a couple of decent motos, but then got so fatigued I could barely ride the bike during the last moto. It was time to call it a weekend. I don't know how I managed to ride being so hung over but I did it. I had a bad headache, the chills, and felt like crap, but I rode and that's all that matters! And... I was 30!

Til next time,
